This is the last newsletter for Term 3. The saying 'time flies when you are having fun' has certainly rung true this term! Looking back through the calendar with camp, socials, Book Week, Braveheart, excursions, Fathering Project, sports days, Sports Exchange, performances, and of course, lots of learning. I can see why we are ready for the holidays!
Whilst it has been a busy term, it has also allowed our students to show that they are living our school values, Respect, Courage, Aspiration and Growth and our school’s expectations of Best Effort, Positive and Safe not only at school but in the wider school community. I hope all our students (and staff) finish the term with a well-deserved sense of achievement.
I wish all our community a safe and relaxing holiday and look forward to a busy and rewarding Term 4.
Breakfast Club
Our kitchen renovations will be completed over the Term 3 holidays. The breakfast club will be open from Monday 18 October from 8.30am - 9.00am (Week 2) serving toast and cereal each morning for a 50c donation. We can’t wait to open and thank everyone for their patience.
Thank you to CKM Building for their kind donation to the breakfast club.
Coles and Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation
The grade 3’s wrote to me in earlier in the year asking if they could establish some vegetable gardens in the courtyard. Of course, it was yes! But we have been wondering where we would get the money from to do this. So, we are pleased to announce that we are partnering with our local Coles to help raise funds for a vegetable garden. If you would like to help support the cost of building the gardens, please head down to the Burnie Coles where you can donate. We are looking forward to working with Coles next Term.
School Satisfaction Survey
The satisfaction survey closes tomorrow, Friday 17 September. The survey only takes 10 minutes, but the feedback is used to help guide the direction of the school into the future. Your input is valued!
For Sale
We have some carpet mats and student desks for sale. Please contact our School Business Manager if you would like more details.
End of Term Assembly
We look forward to celebrating our student’s achievements at the end of term assembly and welcoming the family members of our award recipients to the assembly.
Sun hats are now required to be worn at recess and lunch. Please label or write your child's name on the hats to ensure any lost hats can be returned to the correct owner. We are unable to loan out any hats.
Rochelle Cunningham
Acting Principal