It’s been a joy to catch up with everyone and welcome you all to the 2019 school year. This time of year brings great excitement and anticipation and it’s been a pleasure to share this with students and families. All students look fantastic in their school uniforms and we have had students settled into their new classes and focussed on their learning from week one. I would like to welcome our significant number of new families to the school community, and I am looking forward to working with you as partners in your children’s learning, and in enacting our vision of a collaborative, creative and innovative learning community.
We welcome to our Burnie Primary School learning community, Mrs Clare Smith (Prep), Mrs Cathryn Parke (Grade 2), Mrs Megan Naylor (Grade 5) and Mrs Sue Smith (Grade 6). We also welcome back Mr Andrew Woodard into his Assistant Principal role, and Mr Stephen Dome into his new role in PE/AST.
In our professional learning sessions before school last week, teachers and teacher aides undertook training in the RULER approach which explores emotional intelligence and provides tools for students and adults to be able to Recognise, Understand, Label, Express and Regulate emotions. This evidence based approach has been developed by Yale University, and has been provided to the Burnie Primary School community through a strategic partnership with Rural Health Tasmania. Personal and social capabilities and wellbeing will be a focus for our 2019 school year as we move into year 3 of our 4 year strategic plan.
We really value parent and community involvement within the Burnie Primary School community! The upcoming ‘Welcome BBQ’ on Wednesday 27th February will be a great way to continue the learning partnership we have with you as parents/carers. The main aim of the Welcome BBQ is to provide an opportunity for children to show parents and carers their classrooms and to meet and chat informally with their class teachers about any aspects of school life or things that may affect their learning this year. Classrooms will be open from 4:30 – 5:30 with the idea that students will be able to guide you around their classroom to explain their learning; teachers will be there to continue the conversation about learning for the year. The Parents and Friends Association is providing a free BBQ with sausages, hamburgers and vegie burgers until 6:30pm. I look forward to catching up with as many of you as possible.
The School Association and Parents and Friends are two groups that meet only once or twice a term but provide valuable feedback, support and guidance as to how the school runs, and how our school community as a whole can support all students, to achieve to their ultimate potential here at Burnie Primary School. I encourage as many parents and friends of the school to come along to the next open meeting on Thursday 28th March. The School Association Meeting will start at 6pm and the Parents and Friends at 7pm. You are welcome to attend both. We are also in need of some parents and community members to be part of our committee. Please consider taking on a position either on the P&F or School Association. It is a valuable learning experience for you as parents or community members in having a say in how we can make Burnie Primary School the best possible place to learn! Nomination forms are included in this week’s newsletter. Nominate yourself or someone you know who would be great in this role on our School Association.
Andrew Starick.